The first day in Moscow I participated in the Future City Game which was an all day workshop, this is the team and the sabotaged model, the model went missing and was presented on the last day and it came back a bit battered re-landscaped and a few colourful blobs added. It is our vision of the Flacon plot flattened, landscaped and a new building(Green Square) built by international architectural competition tender to create the most progressive green aspirational building in Russia. It is to be a cultural center for local and global communities. It is to be a magnet to all visitors to Moscow a cultural destination equal to Red Square. The local vicinity with this development will naturally regenerate with this focused development the infrastructure of local transport/ security/ and service facilities would be naturally improved.
We lost and a local market won but it was fun playing with plasticine and making up new notions and political changes in a foreign and unfamiliar land. Russians as far as I know are not thinking green just yet and possibly there is an opportunity there.