02/12/07: Acromioclavicular dislocation

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Oops i slipped in the rain on that monster which is no more. The bike in Paris got the better of me thankfully when I was going very slowly, as I was pulling away from traffic lights on the Seine it was very wet and the back end started to slide I tried to correct it put on to much throttle and the front wheel locked and threw me over the handle bars and I landed on my right shoulder. I thought I got away with it saw the handlebars were buckled then as I lifted the bike up felt that something was wrong. A very nice French couple who as the lights with me were just behind stopped couldn't believe what happened because they were at the same speed just about and got me straight to the hospital in a cab. In the French hospital as soon ads I arrived they pumped painkillers into my veins and said oh la la you have to go to a hospital in London quick and gave me the x-ray a whole load of pills and said bon voyage with a weird sling contraption. Unfortunately missed an important appointment in Paris Friday afternoon and also had to cancel business trip to Tokyo which is annoying. Now just after coming back from Kings College hospital London learned that I have to have an operation to align the bone to the shoulder with a pin or a screw. See pictures and I think I have severity 4 or 5. It does not hurt as the painkillers from France are super strong and have been told that they are banned from the U.K. so they will run out soon and I'm more worried about that at the moment. Typing with the left hand is slow but will help in the future I'm sure..

I have learnt an incredibly valuable lesson at have walked away from an incident that could have been possibly a great deal worse if I was going faster and there was traffic. Big bikes are not for me. When and what I do on smaller bikes will now be dealt with a great deal more caution. What I have missed because of this is more important than getting from A to B quickly. More life efficiency is required.


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